At Teacherspet Pet Retreat, our specialized personal care for your pet will make them think they are on vacation, too!
Where every pet is 'teacher' s pet'.
About Us
Teacherspet Pet Retreat changed hands from Joanne Nimigan to Jessica Snodgrass on September 1,2022. Jessica has been working in the animal care industry for just under 10 years, 5 of which have been managing the Teacherspet kennel business. Since 2018 Joanne has mentored Jessica, teaching her all the tips & tricks of dog handling and animal care, and entrusting her to run her business. Jessica has also spent the last 10 years adopting animals in need and giving senior rescues a place to live out their retirement. Aside from adopting she has also spent time fostering dogs in need while they transition from abandonment to forever homes. Jessica has studied animal behavior and animal care, and is currently upgrading her skills while studying dog training and equine care. Owning Teacherspet Pet Retreat is nothing short of a dream come true for Jessica and she will continue to operate at the highest standard of care. Jessica & her staff have an exceptional passion and love for all animals and look forward to bringing the same level of cleanliness and care for many years to come.